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Flashback Friday: A Glorious Call

Originally posted by me on September 16, 2011.

~Romans 1:16- For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.~

Here is the summary of what my life should be about. I have been called out by God to be His son and to take His message of salvation to a lost and dying world. Could you imagine if I actually lived like this? Could you imagine if Christianity practiced what it preached and loved the world like it should? Lately I have been torn. The Bible tells me to not be ashamed and then tells me to love one another. To me this doesn't make much sense, yet it is what I am called to be. Why would I ever be ashamed of the most glorious news that the world could ever hear? Since the beginning of the world when Adam and Eve sinned there has been a longing for a Savior. The first mention of the gospel is Genesis 3:15 where God tells us that he is going to sent us someone that will crush the serpent. Since that moment the world has been waiting for that Savior. The world has wronged God time after time trying to become more like God all the time. The Jews had the Messiah living right there with him and they missed him. At the turn from BC to AD Jesus Christ was born. He was born of a woman, and was perfect. He lived a life apart from sin and stumbling like we do daily and came not to set up some victorious kingdom that would have a bloody overthrow of the evil Roman Empire, but rather he came to die. The news that I am to share is that God died! Jesus hung on a cross that I should have been on because of my rebelling against a holy God. He rose from the grave and now gives us that chance to live a life that has value and we can be forgiven and go to heaven to live with him forever. Why would I be ashamed of that? I have Jesus Christ as my King! I have the opportunity now on earth to do something that God tells us in Philippians 2 all men will do. We can bow to the King. We can serve God. Live for God. Glorify God. Our life full of rebellion is a thing of the past and now we have the chance to live a life that magnifies or makes much of Christ. Why would I ever be ashamed of that?


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